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Learner Reviews & Feedback for De-Mystifying Mindfulness by Universiteit Leiden

1,578 ratings

About the Course

Interest in meditation, mindfulness, and contemplation has grown exponentially in recent years. Rather than being seen as mystical practices from ancient Buddhism or esoteric philosophy, they are increasingly seen as technologies rooted in evidence from psychology and neuroscience. Mindfulness has become the basis for numerous therapeutic interventions, both as a treatment in healthcare and as a means of enhancing well-being and happiness. For millions around the world, mindfulness has become a life-style choice, enhancing and enriching everyday experience. Mindfulness is big business. But, what actually is mindfulness? Is it really good for you? Can anyone learn it? How can you recognize charlatans? Would you want to live in a mindful society, and would it smell like sandalwood? What does it feel like to be mindful? Are you mindful already, and how would you know? Evolving from the popular Honours Academy course at Leiden University, this innovative course combines conventional scholarly inquiry from multiple disciplines (ranging from psychology, through philosophy, to politics) with experiential learning (including specially designed ‘meditation labs,’ in which you’ll get chance to practice and analyze mindfulness on yourself). In the end, the course aims to provide a responsible, comprehensive, and inclusive education about (and in) mindfulness as a contemporary phenomenon. During the production of this course, we have been supported by Willem Kuyken, Director of the University of Oxford Mindfulness Centre, and Stephen Batchelor, co-founder of Bodhi College. And we gratefully acknowledge the contributions made by Mark Williams, co-developer of Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), and Rebecca Crane, Director of the Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice at the University of Bangor. We have recently added expert advice from Dawn Scott (Spirit Rock & Barre Centre for Buddhist Studies), Sydney Spears (University of Kansa), Elisabeth Stanley (Georgetown University), Susan Woods (Centre for Mindfulness Studies), Patricia Rockman (University of Toronto) and Jeff Corntassel (University of Victoria). "A deep and profound dive into the ethical, social, psychological, and philosophical implications of modern-day mindfulness practice. The course is not for the faint of heart, perhaps, but it is also full of practical, guided exercises for the uninitiated! Thank you for redefining my relationship to Mindfulness in a completely new and thought-provoking way" 28 april 2021 "The course enabled me to explore the mindfulness construct at its deeper lever from philosophical, psychological and political lenses. The mindfulness labs were very useful in practicing the skills of being mindful." 23 nov 2018 "i took this course after a period of time when I was trying to practice mindfulness and meditation, but with doubtful success. The course answered many questions to me, and I needed that to keep me motivated. It really helped me understand the origins and, more importantly, benefits of mindfulness practice and made me persist in my attempts. I'm really glad I took the course, I find it interesting, well taught and very useful for all those seeking deeper explanation in why trying mindfulness." 9 Oct 2018 "I have taken other courses in other online platforms. However, this has been one of the best courses I have found online." 3 Oct 2018 "I really like the invitation to us, the learners, to rethink our preconceptions and beliefs, and then make our own judgement about mindfulness. The overall tone was very friendly and open, resources very useful." 12 Dec 2017...

Top reviews


Jul 21, 2020

A course that will open your mind and heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt so much about Mindfulness and how I want to incorporate it into my daily life, relationships and personality. Thank you!


Feb 3, 2020

It is such a useful and practical course. The contents, discussions, assignments and quizzes are extremely insightful. I truly enjoyed the course and awaiting a second phase of the course in future.

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76 - 100 of 605 Reviews for De-Mystifying Mindfulness

By Rajendran V


Aug 9, 2019

I am glad that I joined for this course. I have broadened my knowledge about mindfulness and has a much better idea of the same. I really enjoyed doing this course. Even though I have completed the course, I will continue to practice.Congratulations to the team for putting together such a course and offering it for free. This way, the great benefits of mindfulness can be enjoyed by many.

By Ester R U


Feb 3, 2018

Really nice. The teacher is very good at explaining, the exercises and extra material is very good, both didactic and practical. The course explains very well the different approaches to mindfulness and it guides you to find you own view and experience as the most important thing. I recommend it even to experienced practitioners as me too, I recommend to go into it with a beginner mind!

By john l


Oct 22, 2017

I enjoyed the multiple forms of perceptions of practitioners of mindfulness represented by the cartoon figures of Hippie, Monk, Zombie and Ninja. I also enjoyed the broad discussions and the effects of the practice that have been validated by scientic studies. I like it so much that I would have no hesitation to be a mentor in this class to help attendees in learning mindfulness.

By Gabriela G


Nov 17, 2017

This course was a very smart and wonderful experience! I am so grateful! (I have stopped drinking coffee after finishing it, it was not something I ever wanted or thought of, it was absolutely after the course being able to listen to my body and my mind and know that coffee it was not something my mind needed! thank you so much! and congratulations to the creator of the course.

By Yola L


Sep 27, 2017

It was what I expected and more. I find it wasn't so easy to do, but I learned a lot and glad I did it. Bought the Virtual Ninja Manifesto: Fighting Games, Material Arts and Gamic Orientalism. I'm always defending gaming towards people who think it's the devil and now I'm very curious what Chris write about it.

BTW. I'm a gamer off course :-)

Thanks for this fantastic course.

By Marc C M


May 3, 2017

Curso altamente recomendable para quien quiera aproximarse al fenómeno Mindfulness desde una perspectiva científica. El módulo combina de una manera muy acertada teoría y práctica personal, un ejemplo de cómo abordar esta práctica basada en la experiencia subjetiva. Además el profesor se comunica muy bien, de manera que no se hace nada aburrido. Me gustaría leer sus libros.

By Krzysztof A


Oct 3, 2017

This course is great, it really explains a lot about mindfulness and if you want to try meditation and mindfulness, the meditation guidance included in this course opens a completely new and wonderful world for you. Starting this course was one of the things I did to reduce the level of stress I felt at the time. I can say it worked for me, maybe it will also work for you?

By Cecilia C


Feb 23, 2017

I really enjoyed the course, even though I was familiar with Mindfulness. The critical focus given to Mindfulness Meditation opened new perspectives which I found enriching and very interesting.

It has given me more incentives to continue using the material of the course in my Mindfulness path.

I found the instructor was very clear and gave the course a very personal touch.

By Iris T


Feb 23, 2021

Thank you for the opportunity to learn abut the many aspects of Mindfulness. It opens up the new perspectives and cleared some of my previous perceptions. What I like the course are the good balances on lectues, the Mindfulness Lab and the interviews on the experienced teachers. I just cannot thank more for Dr Chris Go-to Jones for spreading good knowledge. Grateful.

By Otto S


Oct 25, 2016

The course is clear, to the point and open to bring in your own thoughts. You are supposed to be an active member, answering questions and reacting to others. You can follow the course without that, but it is very rewarding to read what the exercises mean to others. You go through a lot of material in a few weeks - it need not take very much time, but it means a lot.

By Kriti K


Oct 13, 2017

It is a wonderful course of choice for people who are interested in mindfulness and/or meditation and those who have experimented with it or are interested in experimenting with it. The inclusion of The Meditation Labs is extremely helpful and the sincerity and expertise of the course instructors is reflected in the way the modules have been designed and presented.

By Víctor H L R


May 25, 2022

Una herramienta fantástica para la vida, el incorporar este conocimiento a tu "modus vivendi" sin duda cambiará la perspectiva y la manera en la cual interactuar con otros, pero principalmente contigo mismo, es algo que te transformará por completo y serás capaz de potenciar tus habilidades mentales y físicas.

Es sin duda algo fantástico que tienes que aprender.

By Shel D


Jun 27, 2020

This course has been amazing. I have been trying to understand more about mindfulness and how it can improve the way I live my life. This course helped me understand the history, philosophy, and practice of mindfulness. It has set me on a new leg of my journal, and I can't wait to explore some of these topics in more details. Totally recommend this course.

By Mary-Louise G


Mar 29, 2021

Outstanding program -- thorough, informative, practical, challenging, helpful. and although a long time meditator and qualified MBSR teacher, I learned a lot. Thank you for all the research and caredful, sensitive development of a superior course. Chris is a superb teacher! I look forward to the book and hope that it becomes available to former students.

By Efe S


Apr 28, 2021

A deep and profound dive into the ethical, social, psychological, and philosophical implications of modern-day mindfulness practice. The course is not for the faint of heart, perhaps, but it is also full of practical, guided exercises for the uninitiated! Thank you for redefining my relationship to Mindfulness in a completely new and thought-provoking way.

By Karolina D O


Mar 28, 2021

It was a wonderful, quality time I've spend taking the course. There is plenty of theoretical knowledge, it is grounded in today times and environment (maybe missing a bit about Coronovirus times but it's obviously older than the situation), and it guides you smoothly through the practical part (that I've been very skeptical about). Time really well spent!

By Rebecca T V


Oct 10, 2017

Great course, well structured and all information was clear and well explained. really feel I achieved a lot in personal development. I will continue to educate myself more in the field of mindfulness and looking forward to do so. Massive thanks to the instructors and in specific to Chris Goto-Jones for their patients and efforts in putting this course tog

By Shailesh M


Jul 21, 2020

A thoroughly interesting and practical course , I have learnt a lot about a subject I previously knew very little about, the course leader Professor Chris Goto-Jones made the course very interesting and easy to understand. I would recommend this course to friends and colleagues without hesitation. Many thanks for the opportunity and experience.

By Maria S


Aug 14, 2017

The course surpassed my expectations! Very well-structured, presented, very creative and informative. I loved the tasks and the communication part, although it is usually something that I feel reluctant to do when I take moocs. The practical part was really interesting, and I definitely recommend taking the course to anyone who is considering it!

By Zoran J


Jun 25, 2019

Outstanding course, covering all angles of the subject theoretically, and providing complete practical training in Mindfulness. It is composed in very natural sequence and smart manner, allowing students to get out of it exactly how much they invest, in terms of time and energy. Which is of course, a lesson in its own right. Highly recommended.

By Diana S F


Nov 12, 2019

It stimulates your curiosity to continue learning about Mindfulness, in a religius context or in a secular one. It also exposes the participants to different kinds of meditations, which allows each of us to learn more about our own struggles and preferences. I can't wait to go deeper on Mindfulness, I am very inspired thanks to this course.

By anna-leiza b


Apr 1, 2022

Fantastic course - Compassionate teachings, vaulable background on mindfulness and the many places it has emerged from. This course is very well put together and combines background, history, reflection and practice together and allows the learner to go on a journey of self-discovery into the world of being mindful. Highly recommend.

By Francis M


Sep 11, 2017

My experience was uplifting, challenging and immensely satisfying through participating in this course. I felt it had substance and style, and provided me with a enormous sense of fulfillment to complete. The Capstone Honors project was particularly challenging and my completed project has been incorporated into my ongoing client work.

By Leonardo P


Jun 2, 2020

This is one of the most compelling online experiences to explore, both from a theoretical and a practical standpoint what mindfulness is all about and expand the knowledge about deepening as well the knowledge into the implications it has for the individual and society. Who knows, this might be the start of a small, silent revolution!

By Lucia L


Apr 28, 2017

I haven`t taken the whole course but I love it!!! The contents, the way they designed it and how they make me check carefully if I understood the concepts, but in a fun way, it`s great!! Also the way they pushed us to join others is wonderful. Congratulations!! I am learning a lot in a nice, relaxed but scientific and serious way.