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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding and Managing the Stresses of Police Work by University of Toronto

432 ratings

About the Course

Policing has always been psychological challenging. On any given shift police officers may encounter a range of psychological challenges including domestic violence, interacting with people experiencing mental health issues, violent crime, even attending the aftermath of horrible accidents. The long exhausting shifts can also result in stressful person interactions within one’s personal life. The presence of COVID and political issues related to instances of over-policing have increased these stresses even more. This course has two goals. First, we want to inform officers how their stress system works and why they sometimes feel as they do. With this as a foundation we then describe some strategies officers can use to manage this system, giving themselves much needed breaks from the stress response and overall empowering them with a greater sense of control over how their bodies react to stress....

Top reviews


Apr 23, 2022

​I've been in the militery, local, State and federal law enforcement Since i grauduated from high school totaling over 40 years of service to our country. I truly love the work best profesion ever!


Oct 6, 2020

Really easy to follow and pleasant to watch - simplifying how to manage situations for your own and other benefit. Thank you for taking time to put this together. Now I need to practice x

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1 - 25 of 118 Reviews for Understanding and Managing the Stresses of Police Work

By Kim C

Oct 6, 2020

Really easy to follow and pleasant to watch - simplifying how to manage situations for your own and other benefit. Thank you for taking time to put this together. Now I need to practice x

By Jessica S

Nov 12, 2020

Excellent. Practical. A simple, straightforward approach to stress management for yourself and those around you; a highly beneficial practice for all, not just police officers.

By Elizabett C

Dec 26, 2020

Hello Professor Joordens,

I'd like to start by saying thank you to yourself and Dave Haynes for taking the time to assemble and deliver this course. As a retired detective sergeant having served 27 years with the Toronto Police Service, I see the value in what you're teaching here. I've dedicated the past two years to mastering mindfulness and body intuitiveness as a restorative and transcendent practice, post-policing and am very grateful for this time. There is a real need for officers (particularly in the frontlines) to gain greater awareness around the benefits of stress management and mindfulness practices. I was told about this course through my volunteer work with Boots on the Ground. I also volunteer as Director of Peer Support with Toronto Beyond the Blue and would like to incorporate some of this material into our training. I would love the opportunity to speak with you if you'd be kind enough to take a call. I look forward to hearing from you, either way. Stay safe and well.

By Phuntsok C

Aug 4, 2021

Amazing course! Professor Steve Joordens did an amazing job explaining the 'significance of how self control is strength and calmness is power'. I have renewed appreciation for law enforcement and would love to apply the skillsets learnt, which are applicable not just as a police officer, but in all aspects of your life! Cheers.

By Ishvi D

Mar 10, 2021

I thank you for this course. It has helped me a lot in understanding police officers. I do Bible lectures with them and this is an additional understanding. God bless you, sir!

By Muhammad R S

Oct 9, 2020


By Ann E

Nov 28, 2022

As a Detective in my 29th year for a Municipal Police Service, I thoroughly enjoyed this course. The Prof, Steve Joordens is AMAZING! so easy to listen to and a fabulous presenter. I have sent this course to many of our junior officers and strongly suggested that they take this. I am thankful for the kind of work being done and recognizing the need. I do wish I had found this earlier in my career, but, better late than never.

thanks again,

Ann Earle-Dempsey

By Alice R

Aug 9, 2021

I hate quizzes that have more than one correct answer as you mentioned. I appreciate your creation of a quick course that still has punch. Officers/dispatchers can take this and it won't be overwhelming since they have enough to worry about. Thank you!

By Lukasz F M

Oct 12, 2022

Great Course. I think this is extremely beneficial for Police Officeers and should be tought to all future ones. There is vaule in this for general public that can help us all descalete hectitc situations. WE ARE ALL just human beings.

By Keri A

Nov 18, 2020

Fantastic course. Easy to understand and follow. Easy to put these concepts into practice, even if you are not a member of the police service, but just have a lot of stress and strain in your work and life.

By Justin P

Nov 20, 2021

This is a great short course for all officers to "check in" on themselves and others. These simples steps and practices can be positive and beneficial in the policing profession and your personal life.

By William P B

Apr 23, 2022

I've been in the militery, local, State and federal law enforcement Since i grauduated from high school totaling over 40 years of service to our country. I truly love the work best profesion ever!

By Andrés V R

Jun 17, 2021

Being from Chile, and not being my mother tongue English, I must admit that at the beginning it was difficult and that is why I continued word for word; As I confused the terms from English to Spanish, at the beginning of the 1st module I did several exams and thus I passed each module until I passed it, I made an effort and I finished it. Very good route, highly recommended for policemen and pilots, (I include myself) and all people subjected to 1000% stress. Very good level and very educational. Congratulations to the instructor!

By Be O

Aug 20, 2024

Thank you very much for the course, I really enjoyed the information presented on this topic that sometimes we overlook and do not see the importance of knowing how to control our emotions as well as being able to find ways that can help us relax. Additionally, the skills that I was able to learn are very important for my future career at the Police Foundation and I believe that knowing how to listen and learn to be more empathetic is a fundamental factor for this work in our community.

By Romeu p p

Dec 28, 2020

Hi!! I am 2nd sergeant of the Military Police of DF, capital of Brazil, Brasília. It was especially for me, this course in the 24-year internship in police service. Stress is more evident at this point in the career, even with more mature age, 49 years, and length of service. I am going to teach myself everyday, I will invest in new skills to practice in my free time, aiming to have a better quality of life.

Thank you for the opportunity and learn here with this course.

By Joel C

Oct 22, 2021

I seriously took stress for granted, it wasn't something I though that affected my work and family life. After finishing this course I gained a sense of realization that everything that makes me stressed will eventually lead to more chronic problems, mentally and physically. Thank you coursera for this course. I hope that this course be provided for free to all police officers around the world. I will sure practice, practice, practice. Lots of Love from Fiji.

By Nelson S

Nov 21, 2020

Hello. I would like to thank Prof. JOORDENS and Sgt. HAYNES for putting together this course. The examples used actually relate to the daily stresses of being a police officer. The subject matter is explained in a manner that police officers can sit through and pay attention. We often go through the "mandated" courses just to get that check mark. Thank you very much and I look forward to being a student in many more courses in the near future.


By Rosemary H

Jul 22, 2022

I recommend this course for the GOC Public Service employees and union as we hold very difficult positions that are just as critical to public safety and in the public interest, duty to the Crown. Just saying, in my lived experience, this skill as has been made clear here requires training and a buddy system to work. I agree. Thank you for this short and guided training. I am an advocate presently in this domain.

By Evan B M

Aug 9, 2022

An excellent and 'well put together' course. It was easily 'digestible' and offered insightful, effective, 'real world' stress management for anyone! The focus on police work was central but can be applied to any occupation or person as well! The course was enjoyable and went by quickly, I found myself going to the next video and then the next and finished well ahead of schedule! - Evan McNeeley


Dec 27, 2020

Thank you very much . this actually help me to know more of myself. and to put names on those things that I personally experiencing as for 21 years as police officer here in the Philippines. and gave practical suggestions on how to handle those things I already identified and acknowledge it existence.


PEMS ROGELIO B BASBAS JR. at your service

By Jamie A

Nov 8, 2022

As someone in the recruiting process, I found this course very helpful to get ahead of the stress that is likely to come as well as improve my competitiveness in the actual hiring process. If someone can understand the stressors and how to deal with them before obtaining a position, I believe in this case it will help them be a better officer.

By Yvonne A

Jan 5, 2022

This was a great little course for seasoned veterans or new recruits. I plan on having my students do it as part of their course as they all hope to work in law enforcement upon graduating. This course provides excellent tools on mindfulness and how to identify and respond to your own anxiety/stress. Great Job Dr. Joordens Dave!

By Sheri F

Nov 1, 2021

I am a civilian dispatcher for police and found that this applies to our side of the radio as well in every way ! Perhaps for us the chronic stress is a little more common, but the Gnarly approach would be a great help to us. I'll definitely be checking out the other course as well. Thanks very much !

By Ana I M M

May 14, 2023

Thank you Professor Steve! I've learn a lot about stress and the body. Also the way you share the information it's really enjoyable and that makes it easier to remember. It also help you create awareness from those who are not policemen but would like to understand what they go through. Just amazing! :)

By Geoff D

Dec 31, 2023

A great course that teaches you the techniques to manage your stress, recognize stress in others and developing strategies to assist you master yourself. These strategies can be worked on immediately and consistently to improve you. A positive course for front-line public service.