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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia by Lund University

602 ratings

About the Course

How can we live a good life on one planet with over seven billion people? This course will explore greening the economy on four levels – individual, business, city, and nation. We will look at the relationships between these levels and give many practical examples of the complexities and solutions across the levels. Scandinavia, a pioneering place advancing sustainability and combating climate change, is a unique starting point for learning about greening the economy. We will learn from many initiatives attempted in Scandinavia since the 1970s, which are all potentially helpful and useful for other countries and contexts. The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University is an international centre of excellence on strategies for sustainable solutions. The IIIEE is ideally suited to understand and explain the interdisciplinary issues in green economies utilising the diverse disciplinary backgrounds of its international staff. The IIIEE has been researching and teaching on sustainability and greener economies since the 1990s and it has extensive international networks connecting with a variety of organizations....

Top reviews


Aug 31, 2020

The course was definitely useful. I learned a lot. I do not have a background of Economics. So, if some reference material was given about certain concepts in Economics, that would have helped more.


Oct 6, 2015

Amazing and inspiring. Especially love the interviews at the end of each week. Very good pace and amount of information. Teacher are experts in their field. Love every minute of the lecturers!

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1 - 25 of 166 Reviews for Greening the Economy: Lessons from Scandinavia

By minaz s

Jun 7, 2020

Very nicely structured the course by segregating into various departments like individual, organisation, city and policy wise. It really helped to look at the same problem differently.

By Rommel O

Nov 25, 2022

Thank you, Lund University and Coursera! I have to truly master these subjects/courses and I should not be lazy about them. More to learn! Have to purchase the Certificate in due time.

By Viveka n P

Oct 13, 2015

A must course for every responsible and aware citizen. Great learning on how to opt for green choices in everyday life, avoid blind consumption, contribute to greener economic growth.

By Adrien P

Dec 27, 2020

I found this course, like all the courses related to sustainable development proprosed by Lund university, very good. They encompass the entire subject, explore sufficiently the subjects - neither simplistic, nor too deeply for beginners.

Besides, a wide range of MOOCS are proposed by this university

By Alla

Dec 6, 2015

Really great course!

I loved the way the course is organized- the whole idea of exploring sustainability on different levels (individual, business, city and nation). As you move from one module to the next, the material builds on each other. It's just organized really effectively, and helps the learner see not only the complexity of the issue, but also how sustainability can me addressed at every level of society.

Along with the lecture videos, this course has a "compendium" that is a bit like a textbook for the course. This, I thought, was a great idea. It made the material more accessible, because you can read over it to recap, or if you can't watch the videos. I also loved that the compendium had all these links and videos, which really enriched the learning experience for me. This is definitely something that other Coursera courses should try.

Finally, the assignments were a really nice way to explore how the ideas in the course have been applied around the world.

Overall, really fantastic course. Highly recommend to anyone interested in environmental sustainability, development and economics!

By Диас П

Mar 31, 2023


Я Диас, из Казахстана (Центральная Азия). Больше 10 лет работаю в сфере разработки национальной политики по переходу к зеленой экономике. Так что эта тема мне очень близка. В ходе прохождения курса я систематизировал для себя знания, узнал что то новое. Полученные знания обязательно постараюсь применить на практике. В нашей стране я не видел таких крутых курсов как у Вас. Более того, Вам надо обязательно перевести курсы на русский и казахский языки. Я, хоть и не владею английским языком очень хорошо, но тем не менее, используя машинный перевод смог пройти курс до конца. :) Желаю Вам удачи и процветания!!!

By Jiří N

Jun 12, 2020

Excellent course! The level is exactly on the meeting point of graspability for people of various backgrounds and expert knowledge. I really like the organisation of the course into five clear structured weeks/chapters which are further divided into recorded short lectures, interviews, readings, quiz and an assignment. The course compendium is a wonderful and very useful complement of the course, I would learn significantly less without it. Aside updates required by newly emerging data/knowledge in the area, I would not change anything about the course! Thank you for it!

By Lawrence L W

Jun 22, 2021

Great content, supporting materials and 'external reference' articles covered in the Compendium too - to keep as a reference. Wk5 was the weakest in terms of the lectures - I believe because as the scale grows to the international level the actual attributes and specifics become less...'specific' and harder to actually communicate & articulate to the online learner. However, overall all - Excellent. I guess a 'refresh' is likely in the pipeline too - which I would enrol for too. Thanks to all who participated and created this course.

By Michelle V

May 12, 2019

I thoroughly enjoyed this course and learned so many important factors about how developing a green economy works. The format of the course was broken down into chewable bites that were easily digestible despite the density of the content. I believe it was challenging yet doable. I would highly recommend the class to anyone who’s interested in improving their community, is involved in policy making, running a business or just interested in how to make the world a better place.

By Marysol M

Sep 3, 2020

I loved it. It's a great and concise course that addresses several interdepedent topics in regards green economy, sustainability, circular economy and sustainable development. A must have compendium for any citizen of this world that wishes to understand where the world/politics/citizens/companies should be aiming towards, in order to become a better society, protect the environment and in turn, regain a better world to live in.

By Burtay M

Jun 14, 2016

At first, I thought some views and methods could be ahead of conditions of my country. Because there is a significant difference in society behaviors and challenges. Whereas I understood more the lessons, I saw that there are brilliant and useful ideas and experiments for my city also. Some of them can be applicable and some of others of them are already doing. I'd like to thank to all teachers.

By Vishaliny V

Sep 27, 2021

A great experience indeed! It was a bit difficult to manage both academics and my online learning but the lectures and assignments wee flexible enough and encouraged me to finish this course. Coming from India I was so fascinated by the scandinavian countries and I wanted to learn more about them. This course was truly the best and I so glad I was able to learn a lot of things from this course.

By Anja L

May 16, 2021

A very good course, building up the difficulty level by each week.

I was particularly impressed by Prof Thomas Lindhqvist. The other lecturers were good, too, but I had real difficulties understanding the accents (and words) of the Eastern European staff.

Taking this course was a real pleasure and I will enroll in the the University's next course on the "Circular Economy" very soon.

By mae v

Jun 24, 2017

I love the quality of the videos in terms of content and the way it was packaged. It's very appealing and interesting. I love the materials and the interviews. It's very relevant and inspiring. There really are a lot of lessons to learn from Scandinavia in terms of greening the economy. Thank you for making this course available to learners all over the world.

By Jorge R M P

Sep 13, 2016

My favorite course online this far (I have enrolled in 200+ and completed 50+ of them)! Great content, great instructors, fair and reasonable assignments. This course should be a must for everybody on this planet. I highly highly recommend it. I already loved Scandinavian countries, but now I also like Lund University a lot!

By Tagore

Oct 27, 2015

I enjoyed the course. The available teaching materials and presentations were very good and helped me better understand the sustainable concepts and initiatives carried out in the countries of Scandinavia and that can serve as examples for other countries, especially developing countries like Brazil.

By Olzhas A

Feb 10, 2023

A course is well structured and narrated by faculty staff. IMHO, a course can be even transformed in to specialisation, with multiple topical courses. Many thanks to all the lecturers, exciting readings and engaging assignments - it’s worth of it.

All the best to LUND university, Coursera and course learners.


Feb 9, 2021

Excellent , well structured course with clear thoughts on how various stakeholders eg. individual, organization, city , and country can work towards circular economy, Green Principals of economy . This course also sanitizes us to required changes at every level of society for a greener society .

By AndreiD

Dec 2, 2022

Very good learning material course support ( in many formats such as audio, video, e-learning, pdf ), and references (articles, third parties online platforms) and interviews;

Nice experience of completing 4 different peer reviews and learning by different sectors case studies.

By Lucas M

Oct 6, 2020

Pude aprender muito sobre como construir uma economia sustentável, a partir de ensinamento vindo de países que são referências no assunto. Acredito que para construirmos uma sociedade mais limpa e igual devemos construir um pensamento sustentável como foi mostrado no curso!

By Gustavo R A

Jun 12, 2020

Excellent course, great material (videos, documents and links), I think it shows a very complete vision of the green economy in Scandinavia. Now it is my turn to spread the word and to work in the its aplication her in my city.

Thanks and regards from Mérida, México.

By Robin A M B

Oct 9, 2015

I hope you make a longer version of this, maybe a part 2 and 3, it is so very well done and incredibly interesting I really enjoy the expirience and learn many things of interest, the interviews where so good and helpful, keep up the great job

By Margo T

Jun 10, 2020

Excellent course. A wide variety of sustainability issues and solutions are addressed by a range of excellent lecturers. Video, compendium and other recommended reading are very valuable too and help to explore the topics in more detail.

By Сергей В

Nov 29, 2022

In this course, I learned the basic approaches to solving environmental problems. The learning material was presented in an easy and interesting way. In the teachers, I saw people who are very qualified and love their job.

By Carolina C A

Jun 8, 2020

I would like to thank everyone, specially those who participated and really made their best effort to deliver the activities. Thanks to that, i now know more about projects and leaders around the world and how to get there.