May 10, 2018
An ok course for beginners. A bit too basic for someone who has already had experience in design, but is great anyway cause it breaks things back down to the simplest parts to help you remember roots.
Feb 2, 2018
Great opportunity to practice. Encouraged to make. First time using vector design program Abode Illustrator. Was hard to listen to all Contrast Section. It would be great if there was more diversity.
By Adler A
•Aug 7, 2020
Um curso introdutório excelente para aqueles que desejam aprender um pouco de teoria por traz do design gráfico.
By Shammir B
•Jun 24, 2020
I liked the course it started with the basics of designing and brought a deep understanding of graphic desinging
By Carolina L L
•Mar 7, 2016
Maybe too basic sometimes. But the teacher explains everything in a very good way. The platform works amazingly.
By Graham R
•Apr 20, 2020
The only thing I would say is that clarity of instructions was sometimes difficult to follow. Otherwise, great!
By Hien N
•Aug 26, 2021
In addition to peer reviews it would be great to get feedback from a graphic design professor or professional.
By 13_ D S
•Jul 26, 2020
It was great experience. If you want to start from scratch its perfect for you. I would highly recommend this.
By kuanjung c
•Mar 9, 2016
The course itself was great. The only thing lacking is that all the assignments were reviewed only by peers.
By Brian A
•Apr 30, 2021
Great content. Only problem is the learner community isn't particularly active, and reviews are pretty poor.
By Fernanda L
•Oct 11, 2019
It is a good introductional course that starts our mindset to see how the graphic world is built around us.
By Jordan F
•Jul 13, 2017
It was great for fundamentals, I know it is a fundamentals course, but I would have love to dive in deeper!
By Camila L
•Feb 18, 2016
I would like if there was some instructor feedback. That would be great! I loved the course, really useful.
By Anton R
•Feb 11, 2018
I thought the exercise of 10 images was a good intro to thinking of different ways to represent an object.
By Iqra S
•Aug 30, 2020
i learned a lot. it was really helpful and it makes you think from different angles. to create something.
By Erick A R A d l S
•Jan 17, 2018
Basic but good course. The optional assignments should be required to rise the course level and feedback.
By Miranda J
•Jul 12, 2016
Some of the videos seem a little repetitive, but all in all it was a great overview of Graphic Design. T
By Melissa G
•Mar 27, 2020
Excellent beginner course for principles of design. Fun projects, informative and well presented videos.
By Natacha J
•Jan 24, 2016
I loved this course, even though (for me), some things were quite repetitive and unnecessarily lengthy.
•Jul 12, 2020
nice course! I got to learn a lot of new thing through this. I highly recommend this to new beginners.
By Yang,Shang-Lien
•May 15, 2017
It's great. The course really helps me realize the fundamental graphic design theories and techniques.
By Mostafa H
•May 26, 2020
great!!!but whoever is doing this course should know that this is the very basic of graphic designing
By Maria M R M
•Feb 28, 2024
Muy buen curso, me cuesta un poco mas de trabajo pues esta en inlges y la traducción no es la misma
By Marina G B
•May 13, 2022
great course, however, unfortunately the peer review in the optional exercises was not so enriching
By Alexandra
•Jan 28, 2016
Although very basic the course helped my to discover the bases of graphic design. Willing for more!
By Liz H
•Apr 24, 2021
Started out strong but the end of the course some of the lessons were more dry. Good fundamentals.
By Viorel-Daniel S
•Sep 12, 2017
It was a well organized course, but it did not manage to get me very excited about graphic design.