Jan 9, 2022
it's amazing how the course was designed for beginner,. Modules were easy to follow and Labs were also very clear. I am very happy with the accomplishment but his is only the beginning of a new time.
May 31, 2023
Thinking to learn Excel for your Data Analytics Career, then go for it. It's a great course. Do the project and review your peer's assignments which help you in understanding the course even more.
•Apr 10, 2023
I was using Excel for different applications, but was not sure about the shortcuts and the usage of different options available in it. I hope this will help learners to have knowledge from the scratch. Thank you and huge shout out to the makers of the course.
By Diego D
•Jul 31, 2024
A very interesting course for beginner user of Excel. Actually, the course covers everything you need in the real life: as a junior or senior data analyst, nobody will ask you more than a pivot table, a sum or vlooklike. I recommend this course for anybody.
•Feb 23, 2022
The content is very easy to grasp and understand, even for a beginer. The content is well structured and the practice sheets are the best because you actually get to work on some data making it easy to check if you actually can apply the work in practical.
By Daniela V
•Mar 8, 2022
Para personas que nunca han manejado Excel, es un curso muy bueno, Yo lo realice como parte de un certificado profesional. La metodología, los laboratorios, el contenido son muy practicos, amigables y faciles de entender. Me encantan los cursos d coursera.
By Tajuan G
•Jan 16, 2025
information learned here was immediately applicable to my day job where I have to do analysis of Agile metrics. The Shortcuts I learned for Cleaning data instantly made my work faster. Amazing course, thank you to all those who had a hand in creating it.
•Aug 2, 2023
Es un desgaste el que uno se esmere en realizar los ejercicios llevando acabo las instrucciones que se nos dan y que al realizar dicha actividad nos sea calificada como plagio siendo un ejercicio el cual lo realice sola y fue completamente de mi autoría.
By Halim
•Mar 1, 2022
All the professionals who created and helped to build this course have done it so excellently. It was very nice and extreemly helpful to learn in a way that is simplifying Excel. Best thing is that you will be learning and practicing at the same time!
By Yomi B
•May 4, 2023
The course is interesting and hands on practical made more fantastic to fall in love with. It teaches Analysts on how to sort, cleanse and analyze data and also aid productivity with the help of shortcuts that was introduced. Cheers to coursera*****
By Yashar H K
•Apr 16, 2021
This course is a great course for learning Excel even if you don't know anything about it. Videos and instructions are clear and perfect, and there are many useful practices in each section too. I thank Coursera and IBM for this awesome experience.
•Mar 24, 2023
se me dificultó por el inglés, pero es un curso muy explícito y completo; me gustaría que estubiera en español 100%, así se aprovecha al máximo lo que tenemos que aprender y no tener que estar traduciendo para poder realizar la actividad. Saludos!
•Jul 28, 2022
i would like to thank the management of Coursera for the chance that was given to me. i have actually realised that i didnt know excel and realised the importance of data analysis most expecielly while dealing with large data. DATA QUALITY MATTERS
By Revianandya U Y
•Jan 19, 2024
This course gives me a lot of basic shortcuts that will be needed for microsoft excel, it also gives me a knowledge about hlookup, vlookup, and pivot table, the instructor explained the steps thoroughly so it helps me to understand better.
By rasha r
•Oct 29, 2021
I haven't use excel functions before this course, The materials help you to establis basic understanding for most common functions that help clean your data.I just hope if there more updated material for how to use Excel online with Mac.
By Alia A
•Aug 28, 2022
This course utilise the use of Excel in data analysis. This course is beginner friendly and easy to understand as you will be taught to use simple feature in Excel including table and functions plus pivot table is not as hard as it seem.
By Carmen F
•Jan 22, 2022
Perfecto para los que como yo no tienen ni idea del tema porque lo explica todo desde cero, lo más básico. Son de agradecer también los subtítulos en español de los vídeos por si el inglés usado resulta demasiado técnico como es mi caso.
By Shurjendu D
•Oct 18, 2022
This was a very well done course, all of whose instructors were clear and engaging. While I would have hoped for some more supplementary material for optional, further study, and I realize that there are other courses for that. Thanks!
By Gonçalo M
•Jun 20, 2021
Very good introduction to excel, leading the student step-by-step from basic to more advanced features, focused on data analysis functions and tasks.
The final project should have been tougher. Maybe a 3 step project instead of 2 step.
By Ante S V
•Jul 12, 2021
This is a wonderful course. I have learnt some really powerful excel features and I am determined to go further on my data analysis journey. Thanks to everyone who has put in their time, energy and resources into making this possible.
•Jul 31, 2023
Conciso y claro. Si nunca has abierto Excel, lo recomiendo; si ya sabes trabajar en Excel, lo entenderás muy rápido. No lo compraría como un curso independiente, pero como parte del Certificado profesional creo que es muy adecuado.
By lacey k
•Jun 9, 2022
Easy course, easy to move through quickly if necessary. Hands on to help reiterate what was learned in the videos/readings. Certificate you can add to LinkedIn presented at the end. I enjoyed the course and the information learned.
By Armando C M
•Nov 30, 2021
Requires a lot of study and review, and organization.
Excellent course, well planned to give anyone practice and experience in learning the basics and capacities of Excel.
Highly recommend!
Excellent work by the developers! Kudos!
By Paola M
•Aug 21, 2021
I want to thank Coursera and the IBM team for allowing me to participate in this unique course "Excel Basics for Data Analysis". It enabled me to update my skills and continue this journey in the fascinating World of Data Science.
By Jules S
•Jun 9, 2022
The lab modules in each section really help solidify the skills taught so you're practicing as you go. The final projects combine the skill sets so by the end you feel capable of performing real-world spreadsheet data analysis.
By Eyup O
•Feb 13, 2022
If you know nothing about Excel. You should really consider taking this class. It is very well organized, simplified, step by step instruction. You'll love Excel even if you do not like programming or it is not your cup of tea.
By Nico D
•Oct 27, 2024
I've been a long-time Excel user and I love the design of this course! It teaches the fundamentals properly and with the right amount of detail. And you learn basic Excel techniques practically with the Hands-on Lab exercises.