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Learner Reviews & Feedback for COVID-19 Training for Healthcare Workers by Stanford University

6,367 ratings

About the Course

COVID-19 is rapidly spreading across the globe and all providers must be prepared to recognize, stabilize and treat patients with novel
coronavirus infection. Following completion of this short course physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals will have a unified,
evidenced-based approach to saving the lives of patients with COVID-19, including those who are critically ill. Learning modules are broken into
short videos presented in a richly illustrated and compelling manner. The course is self paced and providers can schedule their learning to fit
with their schedules. Topics include symptoms and signs in patients with COVID-19, early stabilization of patients, preventing t...

Top reviews


Jun 1, 2021

Wonderful thank you. Full of great tips, well illustrated and explained systematic approach to patients with varying degrees of illness. This has increased my confidence to handle COVID-19 patients.


Oct 22, 2020

The course was extremely helpful and informative. It was perfectly balanced between use of pharmacological as well as non-pharmacological interventions used for the management of COVID-19 patients.

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