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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Strategy of Content Marketing by University of California, Davis

5,083 ratings

About the Course

This course is a partnership between the leading content marketing authority, Copyblogger, and UC Davis Continuing and Professional Education. In this course, you will learn the core strategies content marketers use to acquire and retain customers profitably. Specifically, you will learn how to develop, organize and implement a content marketing strategy, analyze and measure the effectiveness of content marketing, write compelling copy, use a strategic framework when writing, and build your professional brand and authority through content marketing. You will also learn how to put the ideas presented to you into action and build your own personal brand through content marketing....

Top reviews


May 26, 2020

For those who want to start your content marketing journey, you may want to take this course. It focuses on touch base points but also goes into further details on what you need as a content marketer.


Aug 8, 2022

G​ood course that takes a deep dive into the know-how of using content as a marketing tool and establishing brand and authority by using proper methods of content writing and following SEO guidelines.

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26 - 50 of 1,620 Reviews for The Strategy of Content Marketing

By Vicky C


Jul 22, 2021

The course is nothing about content "strategy" but more on copywriting and in a very high level, general way. Not useful at all. Please don't waste your time and money here. Some framework, method were not meant for content marketing at all, they just cram stuff together to make a course, not thinking throughout what they want to bring to students, very disorganized.

Few major problems with this course:

1. It teaches nothing about strategy and focusing on building a personal brand, email marketing and copywriting concepts (and not techniques)

For example, on the part of teaching you how to write a headline, the lecturer teaches you from copying/re-use others then adjust from there to write a "killer headline". It didn't really teach you any technique on how to write a good headline. There are certain elements (we call click-baits in the business) that make the headline attractive, but it wasn't in this course.

It also spent some portion talks about email marketing which is more about brand and business and noting about content marketing strategy.

2. The only valuable part of the course is in the reading materials and the external link podcast interviews (which is sooooo hard to find). It completely loose the value of signing up for a coursera course! I learned nothing from the video parts in the course.

For reading materials, they keep repeating themselves. So many stories and high level concepts but no actual skills taught. I can find way more useful content from some content marketing blogs than this.

3. Some essential knowledge to help you work on the peer assignments is hidden in the podcast interview rather than the course video which took me such a long time to find out where to hear those podcast from the discussion forum in this course, and the problem was raised 4 years ago. I can't believe they still keep this course structure until now without any improvement. Plus the podcast interview on Empathy Map was just two people chatting and nothing about teaching you how to build the map.

4. As the course is poorly structured one of the peer assignment didn't give enough guideline or template on how to complete the assignment. You basically need to figure out your own. I also took Facebook and Google courses and their courses are well designed so the peer review assignment quality is good with sufficient guideline so you know what to do.

5. The Empathy Map is not for content marketing, when I googled it I found out it's a method widely used for Product Design (UX UI) and they make it as an assignment for you to complete which is ridiculous! Because you cannot use Empathy Map framework for a piece of copywriting to develop your content, a lot of question it asked just doesn't make sense for copywriting.

By Corina


Aug 14, 2020

If you like to experience what Strategic Content Marketing is about, this is how it should not be. Hopelessly frustrating... lots of chitchat without focus... lots of lnikbuilding for the publisher of the course copy blogger. Yes, content marketing is about building relationships & try to hold the attention. And link building is an important part but let's be honest and fair, this is no academic course... this is painfully mistaken advertising for copyblogger for hours... To be honest, it is the first course I have not completed although I started with the objective to complete it. Too painful that my attention is taken for a ride in this ongoing commercial, at week 4 (only 1,5 weeks to go) I could no longer bear the lack of direction. I quit.

By Colleen O


Jun 17, 2021

Leans ENTIRELY TOO HEAVILY on Podcasts. There is nothing to hold interest. I can't just sit and listen to 2 people talking ad brain doesn't work that way! You are setting people, especially neurodivergent people, up for FAILURE! This is a really long commercial for the podcast, not an actually educational course! I will be demanding a refund!

By Nidhi J


Nov 5, 2018

Amazing course! I learn various new words and phrases that impress me a lot.

I have sent my wordpress link. Kindly review me how am going.

By Yan N T


May 21, 2020

I started this course wanting to learn about content marketing from instructors who were experts in the field, and seemed keen and ready to share their tips.

However, this course left me sorely disappointed. There's no doubt that a lot of insightful course content is provided, but most of this content are not in the actual course videos, but rather in downloadable "podcasts" attached to each lesson in MP3 format.

The podcasts contain valuable information and tips on content marketing, but come with absolutely no visual aids, subtitles or any of the great features Coursera has equipped its platform with (scrolling subtitles, note-taking function, etc). This means that learning for those who have trouble understanding the audio, or visualising certain concepts is greatly hindered.

It also means that one should be prepared to spend a great deal of extra time on top of what's reflected in the course requirements to listen to lengthy mp3 tracks without any guides.

There also seems to be a certain slant towards various service providers in the course - for instance, WordPress is recommended as the top go-to site for creating one's personal website. This promotion of specific 3rd party brands is something I am not entirely comfortable with and I would have greatly appreciated if the instructors could have weighed the pros and cons of these services against their competitors so users can make an informed choice.

Overall, I am happy with the amount and quality of the course content, but a whole lot more could have been done to make taking in, and learning this content a less painful experience.

By David T


Sep 6, 2020

I hate gradating system, we review for people and just sit there hope less that someone will review your assignment back, not just that. The information about this program was out of date, there a lots of change in business industry and not all information about this course was useful. A lots people when they do discuss the just put N/A and you get lot of spam when you need someone review your assuagement, you review them and they never review you back. And if you want to pass this class you need to pass assignment.

By Alireza B


Aug 28, 2020

The course was too easy and it was just common sense. You could have passed the quizzes without listening to the speaker or reading any of the course materials. The talks with the invited experts was also common sense. No real skills taught.

By David V D


Sep 3, 2020

This was a really poorly run course, with very little teaching content or outline for what was needed from the assignments. The course would not be relevant for someone already working within content creation as it is extremely high-level.

By E-zan


Sep 8, 2019

The lectures were not as informative as expected. I had high hopes for this course. :(

By Anna G


May 2, 2018

Amazing couurse! Recommend it for every manager and copywriter.

By david m


Jan 12, 2023

Unenrolling. The notion that assignments are graded by fellow students rather that seasoned practitioners

is pointless. Criticism absent of construction is time and opportunity wasted. Make this a real course.

By Natalia N A


Feb 27, 2023

The course was really good and informative, but one thing that really irked me was that a lot of the course's key content was in the form of audio files. This meant that I couldn't highlight specific sections or add my own comments. With the normal video transcripts, it's really easy to highlight specific sections and coursera will save all the highlights in a notes folder for you, which makes it really convenient to refer to notes while working on assignments. Since a lot of the content was in audio format, i couldn't add highlights or make notes, which I found really frustrating. If they add transcripts of the audio files, that would be amazing, and definitely push this to a 5-star course.

By Hui W C


Sep 9, 2020

The course itself was great. But I can't give it more than 2 stars due to the peer-reviewed assignments. Some learners uploaded blank assignments. Others uploaded random editorial content from third party websites. Also, the comments learners receive on their work are unhelpful. Some comments are gibberish, just nonsensical consonant clusters. Thus, learners will likely be unable to complete the course, even if they do complete the coursework. It would be much better if assessment was done solely through quizzes. The peer-reviewed work should be optional and should not prevent learners from completing the course.

By Yuval Z


Jan 25, 2024

The course may be relevant for independent content creators. Still, as a corporate content marketer, I felt the course was very light on corporate know-how and very heavy on how to market your personal brand. The techniques presented in the first half of the course came across as too scrappy even for a startup marketer and did not meet my expectations - especially with the UC Davis brand attached.

By Hasala M


Mar 8, 2023

The course is very boring to do and too much reading. The content creators must apply their own teaching to the course because it is extremely long and frustrating to read. If a person who is willing to read multiple 150 pages pdf. He or she can directly buy a book and read go to a library and no need of Corsera.

By hesham m


Jun 14, 2022

The course content is carelessly created, you can see the difference when you start a course with Google or Udacity. You find everything organized, lots of visuals, and here the course was 99% based on reading on your own. However, you have to wait for another colleague to evaluate your assignments in order to get your degree which I find very strange.

Thanks a lot, I hope you will take my points into consideration for future courses.

By ilham l


Feb 14, 2022

Not recommanded:

1- They are promoting themself and their blog.

2- The content is about copywriting and writing content. In other words, you will not learn any content strategy.

3- There is nothing new. All the content of this course already exists on google and other free sources.

By Josh T


Feb 16, 2018

This is a great course for anyone starting out their own business or in an organisation, who is aware of the enormous benefits effective content marketing can bring. Each module is divided into clear, relevant and very insightful topics. The course content is top quality, and picks apart the concepts that are crucial to the successful implementation of content marketing. The delivery is also excellent - very clear explanations, backed up by examples. The format is ideal, since you can watch, re-watch, listen and re-listen as many times as you need to.

My one criticism is that there is probably too much reading that isn't that relevant to the assignments in weeks 3 and 4. If you actually sat down and read through every reading material given you'd never get any work done. This could be refined a bit more.



Apr 30, 2020

An amazing course that opens up a world of opportunities and learning for people looking to get into the Digital Marketing space. A must for any student with a great instructor in Sonia who helped elucidate the various concepts in the course. The additional material will prove to be great guidance through your content journey and your career prospects. Thanks to Coursera, UC Davis, Rainmaker Digital, Sonia, Brian and all other people who helped make this course the great experience that it was. It's a shame that it is only a one-off course but I hope many students stand to benefit from it.

By Bilal M


Feb 26, 2019

Its Excellent course to learn copy writing for new comers who want to learn copy writing. There were lot of study materials, evaluations and more over practise assignments which makes it a wonderful course. Thank you for the oppurtunity to learn.

By Song S


Feb 19, 2023

Very useful course for beginner!

By Steph O


Oct 18, 2023

This course has truly changed the way I create content. Taking the time to create an empathy map with the support of information and short audio clips from experts literally flipped my small business on it's head- in a good way. We always think about the product or service, but forget about the person (their lifestyle, goals, needs, preferences) and so relating content to them and weaving in products and services.. that's the tea right there. The only reason I am giving this 4 stars is because I found the readings too long and they all looked the same. Some variance in them would be really beneficial especially for me as I find reading documents very difficult (ADHD) but am very happy to listen to podcasts etc. I would recommend this to anyone who wants to learn about content marketing and start applying it immediately- it's a really great course.

By Gvantsa K


Aug 31, 2023

There is nothing specific that you can learn with this course. The course includes a lot of interviews with a specific representative of an organization that works on content development. A few helpful tips here and there but the overall content of the course is very abstract and lacks practicality.

By Nomfundo T


May 27, 2023

Social meida and other mediums have advanced and I wish the course would be updated to today's times and new means of content marketing.

By Liza V


Apr 26, 2020

The strength of the course is provide in exercises than the content/video lectures. I have some issues with logistics - some video lectures are very short and do not provide direction that the remaining audio of that lecture can be found in downloads. Information can be better organized.

The downside is having assignments peer-reviewed, as sometimes I have to go through several rounds of revisions and submissions due to peer scoring, but they do not provide comprehensive feedback on what I should be improving. It makes it difficult to progress. I would prefer to have instructors provide feedback on my assignments.

I did not like that the first week of the lesson was about creating a website to be a content marketer, I think it could have been used for better information. The videos are succinct and do not go very in depth as the instructors depend on the students to read heavily on the e-books that are provided.