Jul 24, 2020
One of the best course. Before I took up this course I have negative feelings towards the drugs addicts. But this course completely change my behavior and opinions towards them. Thank you so much.
Apr 2, 2018
I learned a lot from this course that I have been able to use in a ministry capacity. If you are trying to help others with addiction or understand it for yourself, this is the course for you.
By Joslyn L
•Oct 30, 2015
Feels underwritten by the DEA, and aimed at perhaps high school students? Very slow pace; info could've been distilled into less than half the lectures (I completed the '7 weeks' in 3 days). Doesn't really distinguish between users without serious problems & addicts (which I believe amplifies gateway effects & experimentation once people meet users who aren't brain damaged or addicts). Creates an exaggerated and arbitrary distinction between prescribed drugs as all good and recreational as all bad, and dismisses any possible benefits of substances that are not legal, noting only that medical marijuana has been helpful for HIV patients, which is certainly an understatement. Components are also helpful for cancer patients, anxiety, and more. Perhaps break this into studies of common drugs, how they work, & effects and separately, the mechanisms of addiction and treatment. However, I appreciated the 'reduce harm' policy economics.
By Anna K
•Jun 9, 2019
Too slow, not enough visual material, not well structured. Shallow, whole program could be packed down to just 3 lectures.
By Xerran R
•Nov 2, 2017
This course taught me the intricacies of our brains and drug use. As an addict it was very informative and it helped in my decision to quit abusing drugs and to be clean and sober. As of the date of this review, I have been sober for 2 years. Thank you for offering this course and for granting me financial aid to pay for the course. Coursera has helped to turn my life around in a positive way.
By Cornelia R
•May 11, 2021
I wondered why Prof Kuhar offered that course as he did not seem interested or motivated.There are lots of videos that last only 4 or 5 minutes and still they contain numerous repetitions of the same fact and summaries of past videos and the current one. Some basic things were explained in great detail while more complex ones were just named, so I had to look them up on the internet. In his videos Kuhar refers again and again to other sources that participants should use to learn more. The reading recommendations at the end of every week invariably list Kuhar’s book, which is also called The Addicted Brain and that you have to buy as you cannot access it here. I wondered if selling that book was the main motivation to offer that course. It did not come as a surprise that this course if one of those where you can only access the quizzes every week to control your progress if you have paid for the course.
What really disturbed me was that he is still claiming that opioid medication does not create addiction if it is prescribed by a doctor and taken as prescribed. There is a raging opioid crisis in USA mainly because the Sackler family pretended that their Oxycontin would not cause addiction. Doctors believed that with the result of hundreds of thousands of addicted patients, many of whom died from unvoluntary overdoses. How can a professor of pharmacology ignore that dangerous and deadly lie that made the Sackler’s billions of dollars. Criminal charges are pending as we speak? Whose interests does he represent? All in all it seems to me that you learn more facts and get more reliable information about the addicted brain if you simply research on the internet on your own.
By Daniel M C
•May 14, 2016
very boring and didn't learn anything i didn't already know. this was more like watching an anti drug propaganda film that I couldn't finish it.
By Renate G
•Feb 17, 2018
A lot of prejustice in the way teacher is explaining. I think this course is aiming for addicted students.
By Jaime R
•Apr 8, 2018
Great course on the effects on drugs for the brain. Great for me and will have my children go for it as soon as they are old enough. The professor's commitment to harm reduction is touching
By Abe N
•Mar 30, 2017
This course is truly wonderful, many intellectual mind-opening surprises... for example I almost fell out of my chair when I learned of vaccinations development effort to counter addiction.
By Munzar A S
•Sep 30, 2015
Really disappointing course. Content is shallow, despite the impressive credentials of the Professor. Quizzes are ridiculously easy.
By Henriette P
•May 1, 2016
you cannot do the quizes unless you pay
By Maher K
•Jan 5, 2019
A really good course! It is wide in scope with good depth of the data presented yet is done in a simple and non-complicated way .Relevant literature and refernces were also intorduced which I appreciated .I do recommend it to all my collegues at the clinic where I work !
By Sofia L G S
•Dec 24, 2018
Lectures are very easy to follow and covers a lot of information. The extra reading suggested is very useful and helps to understant drugs and their consequiences. I think this course is interesting enough to get deeper into every topic mentioned.
By cody k
•Jun 29, 2016
Helped me understand why my left my family for a life of meth addiction. I am thankful that it has reduced my stress and anger ove3 what she has done. even a small amount of understanding
By Dimitri D
•Jun 28, 2018
have seen a few first lectures re definitions of additions, drugs etc. Not particularly impressive - it didn't seem to be based on the current scientific evidence in the domain to me, so not too encouraging to continue. de-enrolling.
By Rick W
•Oct 20, 2017
Addiction is a major problem in the U.S. I wanted to gather as much information as possible to understand both the problem and some the major solutions to successfully attack the problem. This course is one I highly recommend to anyone who is concerned and who may wish to work to help reduce drug addiction. Dr Kuhar has offered a great learning experience.
By Giorgia B
•Jan 11, 2019
This a Complete Course, as I was expecting it to be in my best hopes and much more. It covers all sides and shadows of drugs and addiction and analyse the phenomenon a very deep but comprehensible way, even in the most scientific lessons.
By Edmund S R
•Jul 24, 2020
One of the best course. Before I took up this course I have negative feelings towards the drugs addicts. But this course completely change my behavior and opinions towards them. Thank you so much.
By Christy P
•Apr 3, 2018
I learned a lot from this course that I have been able to use in a ministry capacity. If you are trying to help others with addiction or understand it for yourself, this is the course for you.
By Matthew N M (
•Aug 18, 2015
Excellent and interesting course on a very important topic. Very professional production and high quality lectures. It was quite easy, apart from the brain chemistry sections.
By Dr. S G P
•Feb 27, 2021
Through media, we have an idea that drugs can be addicting. This course is very helpful in understanding how a drug can be addicting. First, the course clearly distinct between addiction and dependence. From there, it classifies various classes (10 to be specific) of addicting drugs, which includes caffeine! As a biologist, what caught my attention were the animations that beautifully explained the neurotransmission process and how it is altered by drugs in the discussion. Michael Kuhar is an excellent instructor. I am confident that I could understand 99 % of the very relevant information provided in this course. I definitely recommend the course to those who are interested in the topic. In addition, the course if mandated in schools or colleges will definitely provide the required awareness in the area of drug abuse and drug addiction.
By Birdy B
•Nov 1, 2015
well, since i got stocked with my university homework, i couldn't get the chance to finish this course as i was expecting to. but, definitely i would like to let you know that this has been an amazing journey for me, an ADHD who is obligated to be on ritalin so that the society gets comfortable around me. although it never made me feel better about myself, but it made people around me to stop complaining about my energy. after all, i am still an addict to this pill, but at the end, thanks to Emory University guys, i succeeded to know my body and what it goes through when i tend to not be ADHD. i have never got to reach the treatment parts, but at least i'm going to give a lecture on the side effects of ritalin in university.
at the end, thanks, for letting us know. that was the best gift ever :)
By Dr.Sujatha N
•May 8, 2017
The course is excellent and conveys all that needs to be conveyed in short modules that are simple and at the same time explanatory.
There is an option of treatment for addiction to alcohol and drug use wherein completely stopping the substance is achieved through an in house residential treatment that is absolutely voluntary and that incorporates along with Counseling, various Meditation techniques that have proven to be psychotherapeutic along with introspective writing ; wherein family counseling and therapy is given equal importance . all this in a non judgemental accepting loving luxurious environs. Please visit
Thank you !
Dr.Sujatha Nair
By Muhammad F D
•Aug 22, 2020
The course was much deeper than I thought and it covered advanced concepts. I am overall extremely satisfied as I was able to enhance my knowledge of on the subject of drugs in particular
By Rajpal C
•Feb 1, 2021
it truly increased my knowledge in the drug addiction problems. fully satisfied
By Ahmed N
•Jul 3, 2022
Can i apply for a certificate and pay accordingly